Essay from FHTT5

Hidden in sleep, we discover a silent channel where we breathe life into spheres, borders, arrows, cycles.

Identities for these dream forms, and the dreampaths they take, are defined by experience.

We channel energies from our first conception to our current one - who we are - into who we might become, be it in a familiar world or an unknown world.

When sleep ends there is an illusion: The silent channel is gone.

It is not.

Consider our ability to hear, and how listening can induce an awake dream to reopen the channel.

Listen to seawater touching land, then letting go, to tools of sound, silent, then alive.

Become aware of the channel that flows within: where your mind gives life to shapes.

Slowly interpret the sound.

Let memories descend to open hands.

Listen to parts of sound that you have not heard before.

Consider lifepaths not taken.

Shape, reshape.

Hearing allows us to open mechanisms seemingly closed when we are awake.

But unlike sleep-induced dreamlives which often disappear, the life we give to a sound, and the re-defined life we experience for ourselves, becomes embedded in our mindscope.

When next we listen, we will do so differently.

All meaning is floating.

Life forever changing.

For as we breathe, so flows the silent channel.

Don Falcone, November 15, 1995